Open Monday To Friday 9am - 5pm or Weekends by Appointment

Contacting us during Covid 19 Lockdown

With the Government announcing the closure of all ‘non-essential shops’ the retail part of Shackleford Pianos is closed to walk in customers until further notice.

 We will be happy for individuals to come in and view pianos by making a prior specially organised appointment where you can choose a piano that is perfect for you. All of the necessary safety precautions will be implemented prior to your arrival with the supply of mask, gloves and hand sanitiser. All pianos looked over will be deep cleaned in between individual visits.

 We are still very much open and will be able to help, advise and sell you pianos over the phone and on-line.

 Our delivery service will continue with every safety precaution taken in to consideration to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both our customers and transport team.

 If you have any queries about any of our piano specialties, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email, as always we will be more than happy to help.

 Enjoy your music

 From the Shackleford Pianos Team